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Arash Sadeghi still under detention



The authorities do not allow Arash Sadeghi to get regular phone calls and visits with his family although he is in detention since 40 days ago.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Arash Sadeghi was arrested nearly forty days ago and he is still held in a solitary confinement at ward 2A of Revolutionary Guard prison while prison officials have not given his family even a brief explanation about his charges.

Despite numerous follow up by this activist’s family, no clear answer has been provided and Arash Sadeghi has spent this long time without visit permission and just with a few one minute long phone calls.

One of his relatives told HRANA’s reporter: “Arash Sadeghi, a former student at Allameh Tabatabai University, who has lost his mother in 2010 during the Intelligence Officers attack to their home, spent his birthday in the prison for the fourth or fifth time on 29th September.”

It should be mentioned that; Arash Sadeghi’s shoulder had been injured during his previous detentions and he had just recently begun a treatment for his shoulder but he was arrested again and so this treatment was discontinued in the early stages.

Last year on 12th October, Arash Sadeghi, after almost nineteen months in solitary confinement with harassment and hunger strikes was released from ward 209 of Intelligence, and after only 11 months, on 6th September, he was rearrested and moved to ward 2A of Revolutionary Guard prison.