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Tag: aref

“My Son Is Under Pressure To Give False Confession” Says Father Of Political Prisoner Pezhman Zafarmand

  Political prisoner Pezhman Zafarmand’s father, Hassan Zafarmand, tells the National-Religious website, “A few days ago I was finally able to visit my son for a few minutes in the presence of security guards. He was in a very bad shape, looked very pale, and hardly had the strength to talk. He said he had […]

Candidate criticizes last election, current climate

  Iranian presidential candidate Mohammadreza Aref spoke about the 2009 election during a radio program, saying: “In the election of 2009, there were overt violations and inappropriate endorsements.” The 2009 election result was challenged by the reformist candidates, who alleged it had been rigged in favour of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran’s Supreme Leader denied the allegations […]

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