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Student activist Peyman Aref summoned to Evin prison



Peyman Aref, a student activist and member of the Iran National Front, has been once again summoned to branch 2 of the Shahid Moghaddas Prosecutor’s office in Evin prison. Peyman Aref had been released from prison in December 2011.

According to a written court summons that Peyman Aref received on Thursday, he must report to the Prosecutor’s office within the next three days. If the newest court summons leads to Peyman Aref’s arrest, this would be the fourth imprisonment for the student activist since the 2009 Iranian Presidential election.

Peyman Aref is a distinguished University of Tehran student who was banned from his studies (he is a “starred” student). He was first arrested on June 17, 2009. He was arrested for the second time on February 10, 2010. His third arrest occurred on October 30, 2011.

According to a source close to Peyman Aref, the student activist had recently filed a formal complaint against two state-run media publications, Raja News and Bulletin News, which had written fabricated reports on Peyman Aref’s lashing sentence that was carried out  prior to his release from prison on October 2011. Iranian authorities threatened Peyman Aref to not follow up on his complaints or he would have to face serious consequences.


Source : Persian2English