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Tag: Charlie Hebdo

Iranian Judiciary Shuts Down Newspaper for Publishing “I am Charlie Too” Quote

  Two days after the conservative Iranian newspaper Kayhan demanded judicial authorities close down reformist newspaper Mardom-e Emrooz, which was only in operation for only 16 days, the newspaper was shut down by orders from Branch 2 of Media Court of the Iranian Judiciary for publishing “I’m Charlie” on its front page. The reformist Mardom-e […]

Iran denounces Charlie Hebdo’s latest depiction of Prophet

  Iran’s Foreign Ministry has spoken out against the cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad on the latest cover of Charlie Hebdo, declaring that in the West there is abuse of freedom of speech. The Fars News Agency reports that on Wednesday January 14, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said that Iran firmly condemns any terrorist […]

Iran links “abuse” of free speech to Paris attacks

  Iran condemned the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris stressing as well that “abuse of freedom of speech is not acceptable”. ISNA reports that foreign ministry spokesperson Marzieh Afkham said on Wednesday: “Abusing freedom of speech, intellectual radicalism, the denigration of figures respected by various religions and people, and insulting religions […]