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Iran links “abuse” of free speech to Paris attacks

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Iran condemned the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris stressing as well that “abuse of freedom of speech is not acceptable”.

ISNA reports that foreign ministry spokesperson Marzieh Afkham said on Wednesday: “Abusing freedom of speech, intellectual radicalism, the denigration of figures respected by various religions and people, and insulting religions and their values are all unacceptable.”

On Wednesday January 7, masked men entered the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris and killed 12 people, including four of its top cartoonists.

Afkham said the armed attack i “a continuation of the unprecedented wave of the physical and intellectual extremism and aggression” that has developed in the past decade.

She added that “inappropriate policies and double standards in dealing with violence and extremism have led to the promotion of such action and behaviours.”

Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire has compared the attack on the media with the “violence currently seen in Iraq, Somalia and Pakistan”.

He expressed shock at the thought of such an attack in PAris, calling it a nightmare come true.

French media have named Said and Cherif Kouachi and Mourad Hamyd as the chief suspects in the attack.

Mourad Hamyd, 18, has reportedly surrendered himself to police after his name was linked to the attacks.

Radio Zamaneh