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Tag: Coordination

The Coordination Council for the Green Path of Hope Condemns Killing of Innocent Syrian Citizens

    The statement by The Coordination : In the name of God the Merciful, The freedom seeking Iranians and companions of Iran’s Green Movement are truly concerned and deeply regretful regarding the killing of innocent Syrian citizens and in particular women and children at the hands of the dictators in Damascus.

The Coordination Council for the Green Path of Hope Blasts the Heinous Crimes of the Authoritarian Regime of Bashar Al Assad

  March 13th, 2012 – [Kaleme] In a statement addressed to the freedom and democracy seeking Syrian nation on the eve of the anniversary of their uprising against the totalitarian regime of Bashar Al Assad, and following the continued massacre of Syrian protesters and in particular the recent tragedy in the city of Homs, the […]

The Coordination Council Warns: Responsibility for the Lives of Political Prisoners Lies with the Highest Ranking Officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran

  February 21st, 2012 – [Kaleme] In a statement published today, while condemning the gross violations of the basic human rights of Iranian citizens, Ardeshir Amir Armomand, the spokesperson for the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope warned that the responsibility for the health and lives of all incarcerated political activists and in […]

A Message From the Coordination Council on the Occasion of the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Messenger of Peace & Friendship

In the name God the kind and merciful, We would like to take this time to extend a warm greeting and congratulate all followers of Jesus Christ, the messenger of peace and friendship and in particular all of our Christian compatriots, on the occasion of his birth.