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The Coordination Council Warns: Responsibility for the Lives of Political Prisoners Lies with the Highest Ranking Officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran



February 21st, 2012 – [Kaleme] In a statement published today, while condemning the gross violations of the basic human rights of Iranian citizens, Ardeshir Amir Armomand, the spokesperson for the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope warned that the responsibility for the health and lives of all incarcerated political activists and in particular Dr. Mehdi Khazali and other political prisoners behind bars currently deprived of medical care and in dire physical condition,  lays with the highest ranking officials within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The complete content of the statement as provided to Kaleme is as follows:

We are currently experiencing a climate in which the Intelligence Ministry and Security forces rather than focusing on our national interests and the national security of our nation, have instead placed all their energy on the suppression of our freedom fighters and the most honorable children of our land, creating false legal cases against them.  Furthermore, the judges responsible for the cases against these honorable and Green democracy seeking activists behind bars are under direct orders of the officials of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security forces and void of all judicial independence. It goes without saying that the health and lives of all incarcerated political activists and in particular Dr. Mehdi Khazali and other political prisoners behind bars currently deprived of medical care and in dire physical condition,  lays with the highest ranking officials within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The ruling establishment is sadly mistaken if they think that by sealing the door to the residence and library of the late Ayatollah Montazeri and imposing illegal restrictions on his son, they will be able to silence the message of freedom and justice of this honorable source of emulation.  This type of behavior is undoubtedly a sign of the weakness rather than the strength of the ruling establishment.

When the ruling establishment denies the citizens of Iran the right to protest albeit peacefully and silently,  a right established both in internationally accepted declarations and in article 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, engaging in the illegal arrest of citizens participating in such protests, the claim that [the upcoming parliamentary] elections will be free and fair is nothing but a gross  lie.

While condemning the gross violations of the basic human rights of Iranian citizens, the Coordination Council for the Green Path of Hope warns the authoritarian ruling establishment that denying the truth, insisting on lies, repeated oppression, violence and lawlessness will only lead to further escalation of the crisis both domestically and internationally.

Ardeshir Amir Arjomand

Spokesperson for the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope

February 21st, 2012
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Source: Kaleme: