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Tag: Demonstrations

IOPHRI demonstrations in London

Yesterday, the Members of International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights in Iran gathered in Trafalgar Square, London to demand the freedom of Sufi political prisoners in Iran, and to stop the persecution of Sufis and other religious minorities in Iran. This action was in response to the recent increased pressure by the extremist Iranian regime […]

Demonstrations in Amsterdam in Support of Sufis

  Following the recent Iranian Supreme Court approval of the Shiraz Revolutionary Courts ruling upon which 7 Gonabadi dervishes were convicted of belligerence and corruption on earth and sentence of exile; the representatives of international organisation to preserve human rights in Iran gathered in Amsterdam to protest the Iranian Supreme court decision and demand for […]

Anniversary demonstrations on 14 February must be allowed to take place peacefully

    Amnesty International is calling on the Iranian authorities to respect freedom of assembly and allow peaceful demonstrations in Tehran and elsewhere in Iran on 14 February 2012, amid fears that the authorities may once again use excessive use of force to quell protests, as has happened in previous years.