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Tag: Former Political Prisoner

A former political prisoner beaten by intelligence agents

  Anwar Hosseinpanahi, Kurdish civil activist, has been beaten by intelligence agents at the door of his home on Wednesday August 20th. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Anwar Hosseinpanahi, former political prisoner who has been exiled to out of Kurdistan province was beaten by 3 intelligence agents at the […]

Former Political Prisoner Tells the UN of the Iranian Judiciary’s Lack of Independence

  “I have come here because as an Iranian citizen I, my family, and especially my brother, were treated unjustly. We were innocent from the very beginning. There are many like us in Iran’s prisons who are innocent. I came here to be the voice of other innocent people,” former political prisoner Hamid Ghassemi-Shaal said […]