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Tag: Ghezelhesar prison

Six Sunni prisoners are transferred to an unknown location

  Six Sunni prisoners of Ghezelhesar prison were transferred to an unknown location while being beaten by the prison guards. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), after prison authority’s decisions, regarding transferring these prisoners to other prisons, they went to hunger strike, since last Tuesday, November 5. However, prison guards […]

6 Sunni prisoners are on hunger strike in Ghezelhesar prison

  Six prisoners of Ghezelhesar, who were sentenced to death, went on hunger strike, in response to decision of the authorities for their transfer.According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), six Sunni prisoners of conscientious of ward four in unit three, were informed that due to approaching to Moharram month, they […]