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Six Sunni prisoners are transferred to an unknown location



Six Sunni prisoners of Ghezelhesar prison were transferred to an unknown location while being beaten by the prison guards.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), after prison authority’s decisions, regarding transferring these prisoners to other prisons, they went to hunger strike, since last Tuesday, November 5. However, prison guards rushed into their cells, and after beating, transferred them to an unknown location.

Hamed Ahmadi (the son of Habibollah – born on 1981), Kamal Molayi (the son of Ahmad – born on 1984), Jamshid Dehghani (the son of Khodarahm – born on 1985, Sadigh Mohammadi (the son of Hossein – born on 1986) and Seyed Hadi Hosseini (the son of Mohiyoddin – born in 1983), are the six prisoner of conscientious of Ghezelhesar prison, whose sentenced is confirmed by supreme court, and danger of their execution has been reported by human activist right groups several times.

HRANA News Agency