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Tag: Holding

Holding a Memorial Service for the Late Hadi Tabandeh in Ward 350 of Evin Prison

  The imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes held a memorial ceremony for Mr. Hadi Tabandeh, the honorable son of Mr. Hajj Doctor Nour Ali Tabandeh, Majzoub Ali Shah in Ward 350 of Evin prison yesterday evening.According to a report by Majzooban Noor, coinciding with a memorial ceremony which was held at Gonabadi Dervishes’s worship-place, “Amir-Soleimani Hosseiniyeh”, jailed […]

Authorities Failed to Fulfill their Promises; Demonization of Dervish women; Preventing Dervishes from Holding their Religious Rites on the Night Before Mondays

  Today on 18th of Esfand 1392 (Mar 9, 2014) and yesterday on the International Women’s day , the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces arrested at least 500 women and men during the clashes with members of families of Dervishes and political prisoners who attempted to gather to protest suppression of imprisoned Dervishes.As Security officials […]

5 Years of Resistance by Dervishes in Isfahan /Holding Dervish Ceremony Under the Heavy Rain

Gonabadi Dervishes in Isfahan are still holding their religious ceremonies on the ruins of their place of worship (Hosseiniyeh) in the cold of winter and under the rain.According to Majzooban Noor, 5 years after the destruction of Gonabadi Dervishes’ house of worship in Takht-e foulad cemetery, Isfahan, their ceremonies are still held there on its […]

Iran: Stop holding reporters’ relatives hostage

  The Iranian government has been intimidating and detaining relatives and friends of foreign-based Persian-language journalists to obtain information or silence them, Human Rights Watch said today. A family member of a BBC reporter whom Iranian authorities arbitrarily detained and held as a hostage for close to two weeks is one of the latest victims […]