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Tag: internet access in Iran

Iran prepares to launch more selective internet censorship

  The Ministry of Communications announced on Sunday November 9 that within six months it will implement “smart filtering” on the internet. Communications Minister Mahmoud Vaezi announced that the first step of this “smart filtering” will be implemented within a month. Smart filtering is supposed to be a more targeted form of censorship that blocks […]

Web committee discusses loosening online restrictions

  Iran’s minister of communications says the committee for determining criminal content on the web has met to discuss the new administration’s policies in order to reach consensus on which sites will be subject to filtering. The Fars News Agency reports that the minister announced that the meeting was constructive, with the members agreeing that […]

Twitter official tweets Rohani about web access in Iran

  Jack Dorsey, Twitter chairman and CEO, has publicly questioned Iranian President Hassan Rohani over the blocking of the Twitter website in Iran. Jack Dorsey sent a tweet addressed to Hassan Rohani, saying: “Good evening, President. Are citizens of Iran able to read your tweets?” The Iranian president responded, saying: “As I told Christiane Amanpour, […]