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Tag: Iranian activists

Activist challenges Rohani to fulfill promises on citizen rights

  Iranian activist Nargess Mohammadi has written to President Rohani protesting against the interrogation procedure she was subjected to in Evin Court. According to the Human Rights Defenders Centre website, Mohammadi has been under investigation by Islamic Republic authorities since last March for meeting with Catherine Ashton when the latter was visiting Iran as the […]

Iranian Activists Shave Heads To Support Political Prisoners

Shahnaz Karim Beigi, whose son, Mostafa Karim Beigi, was reportedly killed in the 2009 post-election crackdown in Iran, has joined the campaign and cut her hair in support of political detainees in Evin prison, whom she also describes as her “sons.” Dozens of Iranian men and women have sheared their hair and posted their pictures […]

Activists mark four years of opposition house arrests

  225 Iranian activists issued a statement calling for the release of opposition leaders MirHosein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard. Kaleme reports in a statement the activist say: “Three years have passed since the illegal house arrest of the leaders of the Green Movement of Iranian people and since February 14, 2011 Mr. Karroubi, […]

‘Don’t miss golden opportunity’ 500 Iranian activists tell Obama

  It is now Obama’s turn to take steps at ending the 35-year long hostilities in US-Iranian relations, say a group of more than 500 Iranian dissidents, intellectuals and public figures. In a letter to US President Barack Obama, more than 500 Iranian intellectuals, former and current political prisoners, as well as civil society and […]