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Activist challenges Rohani to fulfill promises on citizen rights

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Iranian activist Nargess Mohammadi has written to President Rohani protesting against the interrogation procedure she was subjected to in Evin Court. According to the Human Rights Defenders Centre website, Mohammadi has been under investigation by Islamic Republic authorities since last March for meeting with Catherine Ashton when the latter was visiting Iran as the EU foreign policy chief.

Mohammadi writes that she has been questioned about her civic activism and stressed that this treatment contradicts the president’s public statements and suggested policies about citizen and civic rights.

Mohammadi warns that such pressure on civic activists may lead them to withdraw from civic activities and gravitate toward radicalization.

Mohammadi was summoned to court by Judge Salavati last Saturday November 8 and reports that she was subjected to continuous questioning from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

She remind the president that one of his chief platforms was the “recognition and promotion of civil society” and warns that the actions of security forces are subjecting Iranian civil activists to threats and oppression.

Nargess Mohammadi adds that her interrogators referred to her participation in the protests against acid attacks on women as one of the reasons for her questioning. Mohammadi then goes on to ask: “Why is it that the country’s security forces target protesters of this crime against women rather than pursuing the perpetrators of these horrendous crimes? In this case, women are subjected to violence at every turn, whether a the victims of acid throwing assaults or as protesters against such horrific acts.”

Mohammadi calls on President Rohani to live up to his campaign promises to support civil society and citizens’ rights.

Radio Zamaneh