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Tag: Iranian labour conditions

Iran’s nurse shortage worsened by emigration

  While Iran faces a shortage of 80,000 nurses, statistical reports indicate that 1,000 nurses emigrate from Iran each year. Iran’s College of Nurses has criticized the failure to value the role of nurses and the lack of appropriate government policies to address the country’s nurse shortage. Mohammad Sharifi Moghaddam, a spokesman for the College […]

Miners in Semnan Province stage sit-in to protest privatization

  Miners at the Eastern Alborz Mine began a strike today, Sunday July 6, to protest the privatization of the mine. OLNA reports that according to the workers’ representative, about 1,400 coal miners from the Eastern Alborz Mine in the Province of Semnan have stopped working and gathered on the mine premises for a sit-in. […]

Petrochemical workers stop work over banned representative

  Workers at the Fajr Petrochemical Plant refused to work on Tuesday January 21 after management refused to allow the workers’ representative to enter the plant premises. Abbas Rezai, the workers’ representative, spoke to the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) last October about worker protests. According to an unidentified worker, management was angered by Rezai’s […]

Unpaid Tabriz factory workers also lose insurance coverage

  Three hundred workers at Tabriz Tractor Manufacturing Company have not been paid in more than four months. ILNA reports that on top of the unpaid wages, the workers’ insurance is not being renewed by Social Security office. The factory’s debts to the Social Security Fund have increased sharply, which has led to withdrawal of […]

Laid-off workers air grievances outside Parliament

  Workers laid off from the Zagros Steel Factory in Kurdistan staged demonstrations in front of the Iranian Parliament this morning, Sunday October 27. The Khaneh Mellat website reports the protesters were calling for their return to work and payment of wages and benefits still owing. The protesters have staged several similar demonstrations since last […]

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