Tag: Iranian Student

Amnesty International : Iranian student held for peaceful activism, Maryam Shafi’ Pour

  Banned student activist Maryam Shafi’ Pour has been detained for over five months on charges apparently related to her peaceful political activism. Student activist Maryam Shafi’ Pour, who has been banned from pursuing higher education, has been detained since 27 July 2013. She spent over two months in solitary confinement in Section 209 of […]

Iranian student awarded human-rights prize while in prison

  Omid Kokabee, a physics PhD student jailed in Iran since January 2011, was awarded yesterday the 2014 American Physical Society’s Andrei Sakharov Prize for “his courage in refusing to use his physics knowledge to work on projects that he deemed harmful to humanity, in the face of extreme physical and psychological pressure.” Kokabee has […]

New Report by Prominent Iranian Student Group Reveals Gross Education Rights Violations in Iran

  More than One Thousand Suspended, Starred, Expelled Students in Iran – April 2005 to March 2013 Following the Iranian revolution of 1979, due to their affiliation with political or religious groups, a great number of Iranian students were temporarily or permanently deprived of their right to education. Many students were expelled from university for […]