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Tag: Iranian universities

Higher education in Iran means higher jobless rate

  Iran’s Minister of Science and Technology says the unemployment rate among university graduates is higher than the general unemployment average, and that is why the country’s academic elite go abroad for work. Mohammad Farhadi said on Friday February 27 that one million students graduate from universities across the country each year but they find […]

Professors write in defence of embattled Science Minister

  More than 900 professors at Iranian universities have issued a statement expressing their support for Science and Technology Minister Reza Faraji-Dana. The Etemad daily reports that in a letter to Ali Larijani, the head of Parliament, the professors express dismay regarding the actions that a number of MPs have taken against the minister of […]

Students use day to call for release of opposition leaders

  Iran’s Student Day was marked in Tehran by students chanting slogans in support of the release of political prisoners. IRNA reports that the amphitheatre of Shahid Beheshti University was packed with students from the early hours of Saturday December 7. IRNA reports that students carried banners saying “Long live Rohani! Long live Khatami!” as […]

Hundreds call for university president to be fired

  Hundreds of students and alumni of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran have called for the removal of university president Sadreddin Shariati. In a letter addressed to Iran’s new president, Hassan Rohani, the students criticize Shariati’s policies, which they summarize as “gender segregation, the promotion of disciplinary committees, a decline in academic quality, dogmatism, suspensions […]

Proposed minister calls for expanded humanities programs

  The proposed minister for the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology told ILNA that universities must expand the humanities branch of study and work toward increasing students’ volunteer contributions to society. Describing the humanities as the most essential field of human knowledge, Jafar Mili Monfared added: “Research and analysis in any aspect of the […]