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Tag: Iranian Women

Iranian Women Barred From Attending Volleyball Game

  Iranian women were reportedly banned from attending a June 19 volleyball game between the United States and Iran at Tehran’s Azadi Sports Complex despite a promise by the government to partially lift a ban on female spectators attending male sports events. The announcement made earlier this month by Iran’s vice president for women’s affairs […]

Iranian women fight efforts to restrict travel abroad

  Married Iranian women must still obtain permission from their husbands to travel internationally. Mahboubeh, a 62-year-old Iranian schoolteacher, was forbidden from traveling outside the country a couple of weeks ago. She has been separated from her husband for three years, after what she describes as over three decades of constant fighting. Since her husband […]

Poverty and violence blamed for depression among Iranian women

  Domestic violence and loneliness exacerbated by lack of both self-esteem and of opportunities for social-interaction and recreation have been identified as major causes of the widespread depression experienced by Iranian women. Lack of financial power owing to poor wages and other factors, plus dependence on others, are also hugely significant. Renowned psychologist Leyla Alizade […]

Iranian Women’s Movement Strangled by Restrictions

  The women of Iran are forbidden to stand in the upcoming presidential election on June 14, and are being strangled by ever-increasing restrictions. What has happened to the courageous Iranian women’s movement of dissent that gave inspiration to the protests of the Arab Spring uprisings? A member of the Guardian Council, who vets election […]