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Poverty and violence blamed for depression among Iranian women



Domestic violence and loneliness exacerbated by lack of both self-esteem and of opportunities for social-interaction and recreation have been identified as major causes of the widespread depression experienced by Iranian women. Lack of financial power owing to poor wages and other factors, plus dependence on others, are also hugely significant.

Renowned psychologist Leyla Alizade told the Mehre Khane news website: “Our studies show domestic violence and sexual harassment to be the main causes of depression among women, while irreconcilable difficulties with husbands and relatives plus unemployment and drug addiction further exacerbate the condition.

“Depression is usually associated with the young, as they struggle to be seen as individuals, to pass exams, to get decent jobs. Older people too worry about getting married and the responsibilities of parenthood. Single girls are more vulnerable than married women. Our findings vis-à-vis employed women and housewives are somewhat contradictory however. In some areas one group is more depressed, while in others it’s the reverse.”

Shahrzad News