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Continuation of Unlawful Interference; Preventing the Transfer of Jailed Dervish, Omid Behroozi to Medical Centers

  The acts of unlawful interference with the treatment of political ‘prisoners of conscience’ by judge Salavati (Head Judge of Tehran Revolutionary Court, Branch 15) under order from Security institutions continue.Recently, Judge Salavati prevented jailed Gonabadi Dervish, lawyer and administrator of Majzooban Noor website, Omid Behroozi from being sent to a specialized hospital.According to Majzooban […]

The Unfair Condemnation of Kasra Nouri to Prevent Youth Gravitate Toward Being Dervish

  Kasra Nouri 22 years old and Dervish rights activist who is currently being held in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison, was sentenced to four years and four months in prison by the lower court.Mrs. Sedigheh Khalili, a Gonabadi Dervish and close family member of him, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that […]

Security and Intelligence Forces’s Outrageous Demand From Family Members of Dervishes

  The Families of imprisoned Dervishes announced that, the Ministry of Information has asked them to declare: “All detained dervishes in Tehran’s Evin and Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison are not Dervishes (!) and not related to Nematollahi Gonabadi order and would act independently!”According to Majzooban Noor, in an interview with “Raha News”, the wife of […]