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Continuation of Unlawful Interference; Preventing the Transfer of Jailed Dervish, Omid Behroozi to Medical Centers



The acts of unlawful interference with the treatment of political ‘prisoners of conscience’ by judge Salavati (Head Judge of Tehran Revolutionary Court, Branch 15) under order from Security institutions continue.
Recently, Judge Salavati prevented jailed Gonabadi Dervish, lawyer and administrator of Majzooban Noor website, Omid Behroozi from being sent to a specialized hospital.
According to Majzooban Noor, Omid Behroozi was prevented from being transferred to the hospital outside of prison for specialist’s exams and MRI scan of his ears to determine his physical condition.
Omid Behroozi who has been arrested and being held in jail since Shahrivar 90 (Sep 2011) had been beaten by security agents in the time of his arrest so his left ear was injured and now he is suffering from hearing impairment.
As judge Salavati continues to interfere on Dervishes’s medical treatment again, has ordered for placing them in handcuffs and shackles. Previously also as an illegal action, judge Salavati had stated that, “transfer of imprisoned Dervishes in ward 350 of Evin prison to the treatment centers is only upon the consent of the Ministry of Intelligence and should be with wearing prison uniform, handcuffs and footcuffs.” and as jailed Dervishes have refused to wear a prison uniform, handcuffs and fetters so all of them were deprived of their right of access to appropriate health-care services. Although according to the first paragraph of Article 235 of Executive Regulation of Prison Law, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are exempt from wearing a prison uniform, using handcuffs and footcuffs during their transfer to medical centers, jurisdictions, education and training centers. This kind of violations and illegal interferences in medical treatment of sick prisoners by judge Salavati has created many problems for them.
Meanwhile, the physical condition of other imprisoned Dervishes, is reported dire.
Hamid-Reza Moradi, Gonabadi Dervishes activist, 14 months after interruption of his treatment by Judge Salavati, as a result of protest and strike of political prisoners at ward 350 of Evin prison, along with his other coterie of Nematollahi Gonabadi Sufi Order, Mostafa Daneshjou who had the same situation, was transferred to the Shohada e Tajrish hospital. The reason of his transfer was due to artery blockage in his legs and he was supposed to have Vascular surgery on Wednesday 29th Aban 1392 ( Nov 20 2013) but his surgery was postponed because of his undesirable heart condition. The cardiology consultant regarding his new heart scan, declared his heart condition is unsuitable for surgery and due to lack of specialized cardiac and cardiology services in Shohada e Tajrish hospital, Angiography in ” Tehran Heart Center hospital” is needed before aortic surgery, but Judge Salavati has opposed the move, therefore during this last 3 months, almost his necessary medical treatment and health care has been stopped. Mrs. Khalili, the wife of Hamid Reza Moradi , in an interview said that, “The health situation of my husband and other imprisoned lawyers are deteriorating and now suffer from a many ailments. My husband was transferred to Shohada e Tajrish hospital on 15th of Aban 1392 (Nov 6,2013) after his condition deteriorated but after two weeks his necessary medical treatment and health care was stopped. The hospital doctor said that he should be transferred to Tehran Heart Center hospital and has to be operated on immediately. Because Shohada e Tajrish hospital does not have enough specialized equipments. However, up to now, our pursuit of justice and writing letters to the judge Salavati and the enforcement of judgments office, has been inconclusive and Mr. Salavati has stopped my husband’s treatments. I went to visit judge Salavati who is already well-aware of my husband’s medical records. He replied me that: “he has leg pain up until now which has nothing to do with his heart!”. Even he would not pay attention to doctor’s prescription. A few days ago I talked to his doctor. He said unfortunately his disease is progressing so quickly and should be treated as soon as possible. The hospital only is giving him a medicine to prevent blood clots and stroke! Really I do not understand the reason of all these harassments of Dervishes.” said Mrs. Khalili.