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Tag: Unlawful Interference

Continuation of Unlawful Interference; Preventing the Transfer of Jailed Dervish, Omid Behroozi to Medical Centers

  The acts of unlawful interference with the treatment of political ‘prisoners of conscience’ by judge Salavati (Head Judge of Tehran Revolutionary Court, Branch 15) under order from Security institutions continue.Recently, Judge Salavati prevented jailed Gonabadi Dervish, lawyer and administrator of Majzooban Noor website, Omid Behroozi from being sent to a specialized hospital.According to Majzooban […]

Unlawful Interference of Judicial Authorities in Transfer of Two Ill Imprisoned Dervishes to Hospital

  Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mostafa Daneshjou, Dervish rights activists and managers of Majzooban Noor website, who are being held in Evin prison nearly 2 years are reportedly in dire health conditions.Hamid-Reza Moradi suffers from clogged arteries disease which is worrisome ( 70% Artery Blockage) and Mostafa Daneshjouis suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma and […]