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Tag: Madadkari Reza

Attack of the Iranian Government against Humanitarian and Social Service Organizations of Dervishes

Logo of the Madad-kari-ye Reza Several buildings of the “Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute (“Reza Social Service” institute) have been shut down, including the administrative, education and even the elderly home divisions. – In Tehran, treacherous land-thieves have confiscated several non-profit social service organizations including the elderly welfare home, only because honorable Dervishes worked there in […]

Interrogation of Jafar (Siamak) Sohrabi, One of Assistant Directors of Gonabadi Dervishes Welfare- Madadkari Reza

  Gonabadi Dervish and one of assistant directors of Gonabadi Dervishes welfare, ” madadkari Reza”, Jafar (Siamak) Sohrabi was summoned and interrogated by Tehran security police.According to a report by Majzooban Noor, Jafar Sohrabi resident of Tehran who is working in Reza welfare, was summoned by Tehran security police via telephone call and interrogated for […]