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Attack of the Iranian Government against Humanitarian and Social Service Organizations of Dervishes


Logo of the Madad-kari-ye Reza

Several buildings of the “Madad-kari-ye Reza” institute (“Reza Social Service” institute) have been shut down, including the administrative, education and even the elderly home divisions. – In Tehran, treacherous land-thieves have confiscated several non-profit social service organizations including the elderly welfare home, only because honorable Dervishes worked there in selfless service to god’s creation.

In a brazen act of law-breaking and astonishing new laws of inhumaneness, the security agents threw frail and helpless elderly people, who were there for medical care and supervision, into the streets and sent them adrift and homeless from their place of care.

With involvement by plain-clothes agents of the “Bureau of Sects and Religions”, the security forces of the Army, Basij (para-military forces) and Intelligence Service entered the private home of Mr. Ali Akbar Bonakdar, a member of the Gonabadi Dervishes and the director of the non-profit institute known as “Madad-kari-ye Reza” (Reza Social Service). They confiscated all of Mr. Bonakdar’s personal property, and transferred them together with him and his family members to the offices of the institute for further investigation. There, the aforementioned agents began to review the documents and records available in the offices, and then seized, packed, confiscated and hauled away all documents, records, computers and all other equipment and property of the “Reza Social Service” institute.

Mr. Ali Akbar Bonakdar had planned for a short journey outside of the country, but several days ago opposition arose to issuing his travel documents. Using a recalcitrant, law-breaking ruling issued by the security forces, he was illegally classified as not to exit the country.

With the help of a group of Gonabadi Dervishes, the “Reza Social Service” institute has been operating for over 20 years and serving the public in a multitude of social service arenas, including education, healthcare, job placement, elderly home, etc.

The building of “Reza Social Service” institute, affiliated with Gonabadi Dervishes, was shut down, barricaded and sealed. Other social service buildings including the administrative, education, and even the elderly home divisions were also shut down

Jonathan Lark, International Organisation to preserve human rights in Iran (IOPHRI) for