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Tag: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Former Ahmadinejad aide arrested on unknown charges

Iran’s judiciary has announced that Hamid Baghai, who was the executive assistant to former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was arrested on Monday June 8. Ahmadinejad and his allies(cartoon by Shahab Jafarnejad, Shargh) Iran’s judiciary has announced that Hamid Baghai, who was the executive assistant to former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was arrested on Monday June 8. Gholamhossein […]

MP alleges multimillion-dollar scandal from past administration

  A member of Iranian Parliament’s Industry and Mining Commission has announced the discovery that $400 million in credit was issued fraudulently for the supposed purpose of importing airplane parts. Mobed Hosseini Sadr told ILNA: “In past years, while the country was under sanctions, an individual was issued $400 million in credit by the government […]

Official calls for Ahmadinejad’s prosecution

  According to Radio Zamaneh, Gholamali Jafarzadeh, a member of Iran’s Planning and Budget Commission, says former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must be indicted for the many “offences” committed by his government. Jafarzadeh told Parliament’s news agency he does not accept the rationale that Ahmadinejad’s offences can be neglected because he is no longer in power. […]

Iranian judicial figure accuses Ahmadinejad of lying in office

  The head of Iran’s Court of Administrative Justice has called former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a “liar.” Mohammad Jafar Montazeri was quoted on all major Iranian news agencies saying: “The former president would lie and openly violate laws.” “When people see the highest executive position is violating laws, whom can they trust?” Montazeri said […]

Iranian gov’t rejects Ahmadinejad’s debate challenge

  In response to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s invitation to a public debate, the spokesman for the Hassan Rohani administration was quoted as saying: “The government has no time for such things.” ISNA reports that Mohammad Baqer Nobakht told reporters that Ahmadinejad must accept that the statistics released by the Census Organization speak for themselves and that […]

Ahmadinejad administration accused of “illegal” money transfer

  Akbar Torkan, the chief aide to President Hassan Rohani, says it was “illegal” for 160 billion rials to be transferred from presidential coffers to the newly established Iranian University, which is linked to former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The announcement indicates that on August 3, the day of Hassan Rohani’s inauguration, the former administration transferred […]

Ahmadinejad administration urged to help release prisoners

  Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami has called on the Ahmadinejad administration to make efforts to release political prisoners and leave behind a “positive legacy.” Speaking to a group of student activists on July 3, Khatami said: “These things have happened during the tenure of this administration whether they wanted it or not. They can […]

Ahmadinejad’s candidate will challenge disqualification

  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke out against the Guardian Council’s disqualification of his chief advisor from the presidential race, saying: “I will pursue the matter until the last moment through the Supreme Leader.” Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying: “I introduced Mr. Mashai and I know him… he has been wronged. But in a country where we […]