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Tag: Nelson Mandela

No Iranian Leader at the World’s Largest Gathering of Freedom Lovers

  Even though Iran’s former two-time pro-reform president Mohammad Khatami failed to leave the country to attend Nelson Mandela’s memorial ceremony, president Hassan Rouhani too did not attend the gathering in Johannesburg – reported to have been the largest influx of world leaders – as nor did foreign minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif. Rouhani and Khatami did […]

Mandela memorial becomes lightning rod for Iranian political intrigue

  A spokesman for the Iranian government is denying reports published by a number of Iranian websites that the government has decided to send Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the funeral service of former South African president Nelson Mandela. The ceremony commemorating Mandela will take place on Tuesday December 10 at a soccer stadium […]

A Letter From Imprisoned Lawyers and Dervish Rights Activists to Nelson Mandela: The World Still Needs You!

  A group of imprisoned lawyers and Dervish rights activists in Evin and Shiraz’s AdelAbad prison to honor Nelson Mandela wrote a letter to him.According to Majzooban Noor, the letter has been signed by the detained lawyers in ward 350 of Evin prison, Messrs. Abdolfattah Soltani, Farshid Yadollahi, Amir Eslami, Mostafa Daneshjou, Omid Behroozi and […]

A Letter From Imprisoned Lawyers and Dervish Rights Activists to Nelson Mandela: The World Still Needs You! (2)

  A group of imprisoned lawyers and Dervish rights activists in Evin and Shiraz’s AdelAbad prison to honor Nelson Mandela wrote a letter to him.According to Majzooban Noor, the letter has been signed by the detained lawyers in ward 350 of Evin prison, Messrs. Abdolfattah Soltani, Farshid Yadollahi, Amir Eslami, Mostafa Daneshjou, Omid Behroozi and […]

Nelson Mandela always shines

    With patience, wisdom and a willingness to sacrifice for others, Nelson Mandela led a movement to unify a divided nation and reconcile decades of pain and racism. Throughout his life, Mandela continuously chose to learn from his mistakes rather than repeat them. This personal integrity helped him win South Africa’s first democratic presidential […]

Iranian Civil and Human Rights Activists Wish Good Health for Nelson Mandela

  A number of iranian civil society and human rights activists in a letter to the family of Nelson Mandela by paying tributes to his patience to fulfill humanity’s common aspiration wish good health for South Africa’s anti-apartheid hero, Nelson Mandela.The text of the letter, which appears on Kaleme website, follows below: Dear Mandela family […]

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