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Iranian Civil and Human Rights Activists Wish Good Health for Nelson Mandela



A number of iranian civil society and human rights activists in a letter to the family of Nelson Mandela by paying tributes to his patience to fulfill humanity’s common aspiration wish good health for South Africa’s anti-apartheid hero, Nelson Mandela.
The text of the letter, which appears on Kaleme website, follows below:

Dear Mandela family

We would like to let you know that we share your concerns and worries over Nelson Mandela’s illness, the hero of the fight against apartheid.

South Africa, along with its other glorious aspects, has recorded its long history of peaceful and wise battle against apartheid. Nelson Mandela, as the one who chose the courageous and reconciliatory method, has a special and honorable place in all of that.

Mandela is the great human being who reminds us of our dreams and wishes. We would like to pay our respect for him, especially for his long endurance of suffering with patience and perseverance for the realization of common aspirations of humanity.

Along with you, we express from the deepest part of our hearts, our best wishes for his health and full recovery.

A group of Iranian civil and human rights activists