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Tag: Rejai Shahr Prison

Hunger-striking activist in poor health in prison

  Political prisoner Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, who has been on a hunger strike for 20 days in Karaj’s Rejaishahr Prison, was transferred to the infirmary after losing consciousness on Monday December 22. Ebrahimzadeh began his hunger strike to protest his transfer to the non-political prisoners ward, the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports. Reports indicate […]

Activists get solitary for protesting closure of prison library

  Imprisoned labour activists Rasoul Bedaghi and Shahrokh Zamani have been transferred to solitary confinement at Rejai Shahr Prison for their protests against the closure of a prison library. The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that on Saturday February 15, Bedaghi and Zamani were transferred to solitary confinement for having protested the closure […]