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Tag: resolution

Zibakalam: The Resolution of the Nuclear Issue Will Help Human Rights Conditions

  In Exclusive Interview With RoozBy Sara Samavati As the November 24th deadline for nuclear talks between Iran and the so called P5+1 major powers draws near, Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani’s latest remarks speak of optimism if the West reduces its demands while the British foreign minister Philip Hammond is not “optimistic” about the talks […]

UN women’s rights resolution passed despite backlash

   A UN General Assembly committee has agreed a landmark first resolution on women’s rights defenders such as Malala Yousafzai, despite a hard fought campaign by an alliance including the Vatican to weaken the measure. A Norwegian-led coalition, which has prepared the resolution for months, had to delete language that condemned “all forms of violence […]

UN Resolution Intensifies International Pressure on Iran

    Wide Margin of 83-to-31 Vote with Broad Cross-Regional Support Resolution Calls for Release of Prisoners of Conscience The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran welcomes today’s passage of a resolution by the United Nations Third Committee of the General Assembly calling on the government of Iran to stop its massive human rights […]

EU resolution on Iran, recent breaches of human rights against Minorities and Sufis

  insideofiran – Whereas a state-supported defamation campaign against (Shia) Nematullahi Sufis depicting all forms of mysticism as satanic and persecuting Sufi worshippers, is continuing, the most glaring example being the armed attack in Kavar in September 2011, which killed one person and left others seriously injured;

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