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Tag: Rohani cabinet

Parliament rejects three of Rohani’s proposed ministers

  Three of Hassan Rohani’s proposed cabinet members have been rejected by the Iranian Parliament. Mohammadali Najafi, Jafar Mili Monfared and Masoud Soltanifar, who were respectively proposed for the ministries of education, science and sports, failed to receive majority votes in Parliament and will not join Rohani’s cabinet. At a parliamentary session that stretched into […]

Proposed intelligence minister rejects “harsh” measures

  Mohmoud Alavi, the proposed intelligence minister, defended his appointment by Hassan Rohani in Parliament today, calling for “soft intelligence policies.” Alavai told Parliament that his plans are aimed at establishing enduring security without creating an atmosphere of overt security measures. He stressed that the Intelligence Ministry has the capacity to replace “harsh security measures” […]

Proposed minister calls for expanded humanities programs

  The proposed minister for the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology told ILNA that universities must expand the humanities branch of study and work toward increasing students’ volunteer contributions to society. Describing the humanities as the most essential field of human knowledge, Jafar Mili Monfared added: “Research and analysis in any aspect of the […]

Lack of Sunnis in cabinet irks religious leader

  Mowlana Abdolhamid, the senior leader of the Sunni community in Zahedan, says he’s disappointed that no Sunni ministers were included in Hassan Rohani’s proposed administration. Mowlana Abdolhamid’s press office reports that in the Fetre Eid mass prayers, the Sunni Imam told worshippers that there are several “powerful and eligible” Sunni leaders that could have […]

MP foresees non-approval for one-fifth of Rohani’s cabinet choices

  Conservative MP Ruhollah Hosseinian says 20 percent of the new president’s proposed cabinet members will not be approved by Parliament.   In an interview with ISNA, Hosseinian said “failure to distance themselves from the sedition” of 2009 is the main reason that some of the proposed minsters will not get Parliament’s vote of confidence. […]