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Tag: Solidarity

Iranian Journalists Stopped From Showing Solidarity With Paris Victims

  Security forces in Tehran have thwarted efforts by Iranian journalists to stage a demonstration to show solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. Journalists tried to gather on January 8 near the building which had housed the Association of Iranian Journalists before it was shut down by former President Mahmud […]

Solidarity in France with the political prisoners in Iran

    On Saturday May 4, in France, a group of Iranian human rights supporters of the International Organization to Preserve Human Rights in Iran expressed their solidarity with all the political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Iran. They played daf together and demanded the unconditional and immediate release of Nasrin Sotoudeh and the […]

Call for Solidarity with Iranian Women’s Movement: Coming Together with The Butterflies for Peace

  The following statement has been endorsed by over 160 prominent Iranian women’s rights advocates, activists and scholars living abroad. This was meant to show solidarity with women’s rights activists inside Iran and echo their voices internationally.