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Tag: Teachers

Teachers’ group demands release of jailed executive member

  The Iranian Teachers Association issued a statement on May 28 protesting the arrest of executive member Ali Akbar Baghbani for criticizing the government’s reaction to teacher protests and demands.The association writes that “oppressive government institutions” are trying to stifle teachers’ protests by arresting activists and enforcing severe restrictions. The statement insists that the protests […]

Teachers hold silent demonstrations across Iran

  Iranian teachers across the country gathered in silence in front of their local education ministry offices to protest their employment conditions. ILNA reports that on Sunday March 1, several silent gatherings were held across the country including Tehran, Kermanshah, Qazvin, Ilam, Kohgilouyeh and Boerahmad, Hormozgan, Kurdistan, Fars, Khorasan and Lorestan. In Tehran one of […]

Teachers begin strike to protest wages, inadequate budget

  Teachers from across Iran have begun a strike in the past two days to protest their wages as well as reports that the education ministry will only get a 14-percent budget increase in the coming year. ILNA reports that teachers in Eslamshahr, Robat Karim, Shahr-e Qods, Karaj, Shahriyar, Shiraz, Shahroud, Saqez, Baneh and Marivan […]

Two Teachers Were Banned from Teaching Due to Being Dervish

  Two teachers of the literature and electricity strands residents of Damghan, were banned from teaching by Semnan province’s department of education due to being Dervish.Semnan’s Deputy Education has said that this order has been issued by the Harasat of the department of education (The Harasat is a unit in each Iranian organization that acts […]

Calling On Civil Activists Across The Globe To Be The Voice of Suffering Iranian Teachers, Particularly Those Behind Bars

    Although Iran is renowned for its rampant and every increasing list of human rights violations, the violation of teachers’ rights, is particularly dangerous as a result of the important role teachers play in shaping Iran’s future.