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Tag: urge

Gonabadi Dervishes Urge their Jailed Brothers to End Hunger Strike

  A large number of Gonabadi Dervishes from Iran’s Southern Provinces, such as Ahvaz, Abadan Khrram-Shahr, Andimeshk, Hendijan, Shoushtat, Assalouyeh, Bandar-Abbas and alsi from Shahrekord, Arak and Khrram-Abad in a letter addressed to the Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes, urge them to break hunger strike.In the latter they have expressed grave concerns for the situation and health condition […]

UN Rights Experts Urge Immediate and Unconditional Release of Opposition Leaders

          Today three United Nations experts spoke out against the continued detention of former Iranian presidential candidates Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi and cultural leader Zahra Rahnavard, as well as the recent detention and interrogation of their children. This Friday, February 15, will mark two years of the opposition leaders’ […]

UN STATEMENT: Independent UN Experts Urge Iran to Ensure Protection for Rights Defenders

      In a statement released today, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders Margaret Sekaggya, and Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Gabriela Knaul condemned the Iranian government’s practice of targeting and prosecuting human rights defenders.

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