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Tag: zibakalam

Zibakalam: The Resolution of the Nuclear Issue Will Help Human Rights Conditions

  In Exclusive Interview With RoozBy Sara Samavati As the November 24th deadline for nuclear talks between Iran and the so called P5+1 major powers draws near, Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani’s latest remarks speak of optimism if the West reduces its demands while the British foreign minister Philip Hammond is not “optimistic” about the talks […]

Iranian Professor Publicly Refutes Government Claims on Human Rights

  Tehran University Political Science Professor Sadegh Zibakalam publicly challenged Head of the Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani’s recent remarks stating that Western countries’ criticism of Iran’s human rights record is in opposition to Islam. “Contrary to what is routinely said, I believe the criticisms raised against us about human rights have nothing to do with […]