Author: admin

Security Forces Clash with Gonabadi Dervishes in Kovar City

According to Majzooban Noor, on April 27 security forces of Kovar city surrounded the house of Mr. Kazem Dehghan, one of the Gonabadi dervishes (whose house is a place for Dervish Ceremonies). this action led to shooting by the security forces and dervishes of the region gathered in the area and inhibited the spread of […]

Mysticism in Sufi Islam (Summary and Keywords (Part One))

Sufism is the major expression of mysticism in Islam. While Sufism developed out of the fusion of Qur’anic ascetic tendencies and the vast fund of Christian (and other) mystical sayings present throughout the classical world, by approximately the 10th century it had become a uniquely Islamic feature. Major writers such as al-Ghazali and Ibn al-ʿArabi […]

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