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Tales of rumi:The Jewish King, his Vazir, and the Christians.

A certain Jewish king used to persecute the Christians,desiring to exterminate their faith. His Vazir persuaded him to try a stratagem, namely, to mutilate the Vazir himself, and expel him from his court, with the intent that he might take refuge with the Christians, and stir up mutual dissensions amongst them. The Vazir’s suggestion was […]

‘Mystery of Creation’ Album Released

Mystery of Creation, the first joint music album between Iran and Australia, has been produced by Iranian cultural-artistic company Si Lahn Barbad ( and distributed by the Sufi Art Group founded in Australia by Iranian culture enthusiasts Arash Zanganeh and Leila Honari. The album is a fusion attempt to bring together traditional Persian music and […]

Shi‘ism, Sufism and Gnosticism (‘Irfan)

My  Lord!  Expand  my  breast  for  me,  and  make  easy  for  me my  work,  and  loosen  the  knot  of  my  tongue  that  they  may understand  my  speech.”Concerning  Shi‘ism  and  Sufism—two  words  denoting  the same  reality—many  mistakes  have  been  made  by  contemporary scholars,  especially  Westerners.  These  mistakes  have  either  been made  out  of  ignorance  or  were  […]

the Pearl of Sufism

the Pearl of Sufism offers a rich insight into the central themes and principles of Sufism which is the spiritual path of unity, love, tolerance that is centred on the heart. This book describes the function and the role of the heart for the Sufis in a literal and practical manner. For the Sufis, the […]

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