Rule 1 How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we. Rule 2 The path to the […]
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Ibn al-‘Arabi expressions
As for the theorists and thinkers, and the scholastic theologians, with their talk about the soul and its properties, none of them have grasped the Reality; such speculation can never grasp it. He who seeks to know the Reality through theoretical speculation is flogging a dead horse; … for he who seeks to know It […]
New Researches on the Quran
New Researches on the Quran: Why and How Two Versions of Islam Entered the History of Mankind (By: Dr.seyed mostafa Azmayesh) Description: This book focuses on the time before the Quran and the emergence of Islam. The research delves into the origin of the Quran, using its verses alongside investigative works which support various new […]
Tales of rumi:The Jewish King, his Vazir, and the Christians.
A certain Jewish king used to persecute the Christians,desiring to exterminate their faith. His Vazir persuaded him to try a stratagem, namely, to mutilate the Vazir himself, and expel him from his court, with the intent that he might take refuge with the Christians, and stir up mutual dissensions amongst them. The Vazir’s suggestion was […]
Illustrations on Rumi’s Verse
A group exhibition titled ‘Such a Dance …’ curated by Mostafa Akbari underway at Tehran’s Mehrva Art Gallery, presents works of young Iranian artists based on a single verse by the 13th Century Persian poet Rumi (Mawlana). Akbari has collected illustrations by 32 artists, including himself, all on the theme of the famous Rumi verse: […]
‘Mystery of Creation’ Album Released
Mystery of Creation, the first joint music album between Iran and Australia, has been produced by Iranian cultural-artistic company Si Lahn Barbad ( and distributed by the Sufi Art Group founded in Australia by Iranian culture enthusiasts Arash Zanganeh and Leila Honari. The album is a fusion attempt to bring together traditional Persian music and […]
Tales of rumi: The Oilman and his Parrot.
An oilman possessed a parrot which used to amuse himwith its agreeable prattle, and to watch his shop when hewent out. One day, when the parrot was alone in the shop,a cat upset one of the oil-jars. When the oilman returnedhome he thought that the parrot had done this mischief,and in his anger he smote […]
The Snake-Catcher and the Serpent
There was once a man in Iraq who decided to go into the cold and snowy mountains in search of a snake. He wanted to display the snake to the townspeople and thereby raise a few coppers from the incredulous crowd. Foolish man that he was, he searched through the mountains and lo and behold! […]
Shi‘ism, Sufism and Gnosticism (‘Irfan)
My Lord! Expand my breast for me, and make easy for me my work, and loosen the knot of my tongue that they may understand my speech.”Concerning Shi‘ism and Sufism—two words denoting the same reality—many mistakes have been made by contemporary scholars, especially Westerners. These mistakes have either been made out of ignorance or were […]
the Pearl of Sufism
the Pearl of Sufism offers a rich insight into the central themes and principles of Sufism which is the spiritual path of unity, love, tolerance that is centred on the heart. This book describes the function and the role of the heart for the Sufis in a literal and practical manner. For the Sufis, the […]