This is part of an analytical article about Political Islam in today Algeria which you can read the whole article here. The selected part focuses on the role of Sufis in the political status of Algeria. Sufi brotherhoods have come to have a larger political function in Algeria despite their outwardly apolitical character. Many play […]
Author: admin
The Amir said: “Night and day my heart and Soul are intent upon serving God, but because of my responsibilities with Mongol affairs I have no time for such service.” Rumi answered: Those works too are work done for God, since they are the means of provid-ing peace and security for your country. You sacrifice […]
Masnavi-i Ma’navi (The King and his Two Slaves)
A king purchased two slaves, one extremely handsome,and the other very ugly. He sent the first away to the bath,and in his absence questioned the other. He told him thatthe first slave had given a very bad account of him, sayingthat he was a thief and a bad character, and asked if it wastrue. The […]
Here the Majzooban Noor reports that a group of Gonabadi dervishes from the late hours of the night commenced to gather signatures and establish a campaign so-called “No to Civil Death”, following unfair and illegal sentences of the Judiciary, by protesting on the violation of the rights of dervishes and condemning the policy of “Civil […]
Saudi king orders that women no longer need a man’s permission to travel, study or make police complaints
Saudi Arabia to give women more control over their life choices by relaxing male guardian system is welcomed as another small step for women in the kingdom. Saudi Arabia is well known to be one of the world’s most gender-segregated nations, where women live under the supervision of a male guardian, cannot drive, and must […]
Body clock scientists win Nobel Prize
BBC By James Gallagher Three scientists who unravelled how our bodies tell time have won the 2017 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. The body clock – or circadian rhythm – is the reason we want to sleep at night, but it also drives huge changes in behaviour and body function. The US scientists Jeffrey […]
Someone said: “Our Master does not utter a word.”Rumi answered: Well, it was the thought of me that brought you to my presence. This thought of me did not speak with you saying, “How are things with you?” The thought without words drew you here. If the reality of me draws you without words and […]
Muslim Saints and Mystics Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya’(Memorial of the Saints) Ebrahim al-Khauwas
Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy (Preface & Introduction)
Preface according to religious traditions and history of religions, man has never lived without a prophet and, at all times, religions or cultures left by prophet have provided a model or program for people’s lives. One of the most important lessons given by prophets has been the lesson of ‘thinking’: thinking about the world, and […]
Conversion of Deportation Penalty to Life Imprisonment for Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan
Here a report of Majzooban Noor says that the Revolutionary Court of Shiraz, in his recent decision, has converted the deportation penalty and a lifelong rejection to the life imprisonment of Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan, a dervish of Nematollahi Gonabadi who is in the jail of city Bandar Abbas, a port city in Southern Iran. According […]