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Mohammad Maleki and Fereshteh Shirazi Receive Prison Sentences


Mohammad Maleki and Fereshteh Shirazi have been sentenced to one year and 3 years in prison respectively.

Mohammad Maleki has been sentenced to one year in prison for anti-regime propaganda. Maleki was arrested in 2009 and released after 191 days due to medical necessity. He has been acquitted of Moharebeh and insulting the Supreme Leader and Ayatollah Khomeini.

Furthermore, women’s rights activist Fereshteh Shirazi has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for disturbing public opinion by libel, insulting the authorities on her weblog and one year in prison for anti-regime propaganda. She has also been banned from exiting the country for 7 years.

She is held in poor conditions since she has to sleep on the floor even though she has undergone neck and back surgery. She is deprived of contacting and visiting her family and has not been allowed to  receive information on her mother’s condition.

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