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Tag: shirazi

Cleric slams Assembly of Experts’ inaction over Ayatollah Khamenei conduct

  GVF — In two highly critical letters to the current Chairman of the Assembly of Experts, senior dissident cleric and vocal member of the Assembly, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Mohammad Dastgheib, has once more highlighted the Iranian authorities’ illegal conduct following the 2009 presidential as well as the ongoing interference of security and military bodies […]

“ What kind of government do you defend?” The letter of Ayatollah Shirazi to Assembly of Experts

 Ayatollah Seyed Ali Mohammad Dastghaib Shirazi, a member of the Assembly Experts, wrote two letters to Ayatollah Mahdavikani, (The Head of the Assembly of Experts) strongly condemning the government for breaking all the laws in the past two years.

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