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“ What kind of government do you defend?” The letter of Ayatollah Shirazi to Assembly of Experts

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Mohammad Dastghaib Shirazi, a member of the Assembly Experts, wrote two letters to Ayatollah Mahdavikani, (The Head of the Assembly of Experts) strongly condemning the government for breaking all the laws in the past two years.

Furthermore, Ayatollah Dasghaib Shirazi in his letter has proposed that Ayatollah Mahdavikani should “set-up a committee with the agreement of both parties, in order to investigate the unlawful activities that are taking place in the country, which are against the Sharia Law and the constitution Law”. He also asked to look into the reason why the Iranian Security Forces and Revolutionary Guard are always intervening in the Iranian people’s personal and social lives?

The summery of the two letters from Ayatollah Seyed Ali Mohammad Dastghaib Shirazi to Ayatollah Mahdavikani:

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi in his first letter dated 27th of August 2011, points out, “I do not feel safe in attending the Assembly of Experts. Therefore, the only way I am able to express myself is through writing letters and statements to the Iranian people”. The continual exploitation and abuse of public funds during the last governmental election and ever since, and the attack of Ghoba Mosque in Shiraz, by the representatives of a group called 110, are all against articles of Constitutional Law.

Do you really believe that the tragic events that have occurred against the Iranian people in this country especially in the past two years are in lined with Quran and the way of Prophet Mohammad? History proves that countless crimes have occurred against Sharia law during the time of the Assembly of Experts. However the experts of assembly have not show any reaction against these unlawful activities, instead they have approved the unlawful actions. Furthermore, if someone wants to express the reality in a logical and rational way they will be condemned and convicted by the Assembly and Iranian Government.

The second letter on 07th of September 2011; ( the last day of 10th Session of Assembly of Experts) Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi, expressed hope, that his letter would reach Ayatollah Mahdavikani, in order for him to follow his moral and legal duty.

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi highlighted the reputation of Mr. Hashemi, Karoubi, Khatami and Mousavi and all the accusations which have been made up against them thus far. He stated; “It is strange to see Islam is said to be protected and shown through only one person and if that person does not exist, Islam will also cease to exist, even if as consequence there will be nothing left from Islamic Law or peoples beliefs in Islam.

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi, in this letter responded and questioned the request of Ayatollah Mahdavikani, to the Iranian people to defend their Government.

What kind of system and government are you defending? What system should the people defend? You mentioned ‘Islamic system’, by this government consistently deviates from Quran and the prophet’s way of living and commit crimes according. Is this truly an Islamic government?

Is the dignity of a believer’s, especially the Ayatollahs’, are not worth to be respected? Is it right that some of the Ayatollahs’ are disrespected through violence?

Is it not the case that in order to judge and convict someone, one must firstly know the nature of their crime and there also should be a defender and the prosecutor? For example, the dignity of Mr. Hashemi, Karoubi, Khatami and Mousavi is destroyed through false accusations, and without being judged, they are sentenced. Is this called following Islamic Law?

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi in his letter defended Karoubi, Mousavi and Khatami and said; “Mr. Khatami, with all the popularity he had in the time of his presidency, exposed the crimes which were against the Constitution Law and Sharia Law, however he kept faithful to the Supreme Leader and the governmental system in order to protect it. He gave an image of love and compassion of Islam to the world and boosted the pride of Iranians’. He also respected and looked after the Great Ayatollahs. This was the teaching of Ayatollah Khomeini. Also Mr. Karoubi maintained the independency of Iranian Parliament and pointed out all the deviation from Sharia Law and the Constitution Law. Mr. Mousavi was also famous for being Imam Khomeini’s Prim Minister, for being loyal to the public funds and following the Constitution Law.

‘Do you remember the Iranian people at the beginning of revolution in 1979? They were chanting, “Independence”, “Freedom”, “Islamic Republic”, these words were taken from the Quran and the prophet way of life. Unfortunately at the present time there is nothing left except a mere illusion of these words’.

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi in the end of his letter recommended, that “in order to protect the three- pillars of “Independence”, “Freedom” and “Islamic Republic” there should be a committee setup with the agreement of both parties in order to investigate the unlawful activities which are taking place in Iran by the government, against the Sharia Law and the Iranian Constitution Law.

Ayatollah Dastghaib Shirazi also asked to look into the reasons why the Iranian Security Forces and Revolutionary Guard are always intervening in every aspect of social and personal lives of the Iranian peoples.

Why are the houses’, offices’, mosques’, Houssainies’ and the promoting system of Ayatollahs are strongly under control by the Security Forces and the Revolutionary Guards? The Seminaries, scientific and the ideological centers which need to be independent are under censorship with absolute control of the Security Forces and the Revolutionary Guards and if anyone does not follow their requirement’s is accused, discriminated and convicted.

Source : insideofiran

The International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights in Iran,