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Transfer of Mehdi Karoubi to a new place


November 7th, 2011-  Mehdi Karroubi’s son Mohammad Taghi Karroubi posted on his web blog today that his mother Fatemeh Karroubi has confirmed that as a result of lack of access to fresh air in the past 100 days, Mehdi Karroubi is suffering from respiratory problems.

The full content of the post on Mohammad Taghi Karroubi’s blog entry is as follows:

Important News

As previously communicated to our dear compatriots, security forces rejected the idea of our father being transferred to our house in Jamaran and instead detained him in a small business apartment for a period of 100 days,  in the company of a number of security agents, without access to fresh air.  Upon numerous requests by the family and in particular by our honorable mother, on Tuesday of last week, an agreement was finally reached to transfer my father to a house in one of the neighborhoods in Shemiran.   According to the contract signed, one of the three units was made available to our father.  Our family has agreed to pay a portion of the rent and the other portion will be paid by the Ministry of Intelligence given that their security agents will be deployed at the premises.  Following the preparatory work, our father was transferred to this new location and the security officials also stated that our mother would be allowed to return to house arrest to be near our father.  However, after our mother left today, we were informed that the security officials had not allowed her to stay with our father and they now insist that he remains in house arrest alone for an indefinite period of time.

Our mother confirmed today that Mr. Karroubi is suffering from respiratory problems as a result of lack of access to fresh air in the past 100 days.  He is currently on medication prescribed by the physician of the Ministry of Intelligence.  My mother reiterated that despite his ailing physical condition, our father remains in excellent spirits and he firmly stands behind the promise he made to the Iranian nation.

Mehdi Karroubi continues to be denied the basic rights afforded all prisoners in Iran, including access to newspapers, regular visitation with family members, the right to make phone calls, etc…  Any access to fresh air, even after this recent transfer to a new location is only limited to inside the apartment in which he is being held. The truth is the manner in which our father has been treated in the past 9 months has been extremely contradictory and unconventionally strict. The fact that he has been deprived from being detained in his own house, has been forced to move to a new location without access to his family, coupled with the extreme efforts taken to ensure that he is isolated have greatly increased the family’s concern regarding his well being.  We expect the ruling government to clarify as soon as possible the scope and duration of this innovative form of arrest , the various aspects of which will surely be recorded in history.

Mohammad Taghi Karroubi

Source: Web blog of Mohammad Taghi Karroubi: