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The Iranian New Year: Nowruz

Introduction The oldest of Iranian traditions, Nowruz (also referred to as eyd-i sar-i sal and eyd-i sal-i now) recalls the cosmological and mythological times of Iran. Its founder is a deputy of Ahura Mazda on earth, a position that imparts to him and the celebration a spiritual dimension and a particular sense of secular authority. […]

Fatemeh Karroubi: “They Lie! My Sons Have Not Seen Their Father Since Persian New Year!”

      In response to the recent lies published by media outlets associated with the ruling government claiming that opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi was seen vacationing with his son in the city of Kashan, Fatemeh Karroubi stated: ” My sons have not seen their father since Persian New Year.

Iran: New Arrests of Labor Activists

  Iranian authorities should immediately release dozens of labor and independent trade union activists imprisoned for speaking out peacefully in defense of workers, Human Rights Watch said today. Convictions solely for the peaceful exercise of freedom of association and assembly should be quashed, and charges should be dropped against others facing prosecution for these reasons, […]

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