Opposition activists warn about strike against Iran

‘Democracy doesn’t come from gun barrel’

GVF — More than 120 Iranian authors, activists and journalists have issued a strong warning about the ramifications of a possible military strike against Iran.


In a statement, the intellectuals said that the “disturbing wave” of military threats against Iran were “reckless and unwise.”

“The significant and fateful developments of the Arab Spring, and in particular the eye-opening fate of the Libyan dictator and his bigoted regime—which was brought about following the direct military intervention of NATO forces—is tempting others to seek a similar scenario in order to free Iran from the yoke of this oppressive theocracy,” the statement said.

“Such irresponsible statements and actions seriously threaten the Iranian nation and Iran, and it is cause for [grave] concern.”

Lُast week, the Guardian published a story about British military planning in anticipation of a possible strike against Iran. “British military planners are examining where best to deploy Royal Navy ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles over the coming months as part of what would be an air and sea campaign,” the report alleged.

The Israeli press have also been speculating that the country might eventually launch a military attack against Iran even without a US go-ahead.

However, Germany’s Foreign Minister warned that war talk would strengthen Iran’s hard-line rulers, while Russian President Dmitry Medvedev describe the threats of war as “pretty dangerous rhetoric.”

On Tuesday, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) fourteen-page annex to its quarterly report on Iran expressed “serious concern” about the nature of the country’s nuclear programme, giving rise to concerns about further punitive measures.

Following the publication of the report, Iran’s ambassador to the agency, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said that IAEA chief Yukiya Amano was “playing a very dangerous game.”

In their statement, the Iranian opposition activists said that while they favoured a peaceful transition to democracy, they did not believe undermining the country’s territorial integrity could ever lead to freedom, democracy and human rights.

“We believe, and state out of responsibility, that humanitarian aid and democracy cannot come from the barrel of a gun. Guided missiles cannot bring humanitarian aid and democracy; humanitarian aid and democracy do not fall from bombers onto civilians; unmanned drones guided from far away cannot fire humanitarian aid and democracy [towards the people].”

The statement went on to add, “We are against military strike against our country Iran under any pretext, including concerns about the regime’s irresponsible adventures in its nuclear activities.”

The activists maintained that while the Iranian regime’s violation of human rights had to be exposed for all to see, there was also a need for raising awareness about the threat of military action against Iranian soil.

“For the sake of the country’s interests, we strongly advise the Islamic Republic to cooperate with the IAEA and international inspectors in order to address any uncertainties about the country’s nuclear programme and to avert the threat of war and carnage.”

In October, the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope, the Iranian Green Movement’s highest decision-making body, predicted that in the event of any challenge to the country’s sovereignty, Iranians would undoubtedly rise to defend their homeland regardless of differences in political and ideological leanings.

“Most certainly, any Iranian with any ideology or belief will stand to defend his or her country’s sovereignty and national interests, but we must not confuse defending Iran with defending statesmen who have had a significant role in creating this crisis,” the council noted.

Source : irangreenvoice