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Iran bans skiing for women without legal chaperons


Women have been banned from entering skiing ramps alone. This is a new order from State Security Forces which even includes women over 18.

In this rule, all women need to have a ‘guardian’ and are banned from entering ski grounds.

With the start of the skiing season, security forces stationed in ski grounds around Tehran banned women from entering.

According to reports, a SSF agent in one of the ski grounds in northern Tehran said that the police have given all Ski grounds a directive which bans women from entering these grounds without their husbands.

According to this order, girls who are under 18 are not allowed to enter ski grounds without their mother and father and women above 18 are only allowed to come with their legal guardian. Married women are only permitted inside the ski ramps with their husbands. (Nedaye Sabze Azadi website – Nov. 9, 2011)

Source : Freedom Messenger