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Dervishes schedule to participate in elections

According to Nedaye Enqelab, recently in some news assemblies, news have been scattered regarding Gonabadi Dervishes intention to participate in the Islamic Council Assembly election.


According to the same source, it has been heard that some dervishes have announced they have plan to register in the parliament candidacy.

One of the leaders of this order has announced “we have taken this decision with regard to the high population of dervishes in the whole country and that so far the population does not have a representative in parliament”.

Also according to him in the case that if  the Guardian Council refuses him or his representative the situation of dervishes in the system will be determined and in the case of being accepted by the Guardian Council it is considered to be a great success for dervishes of the whole country.

Majzooban-e-Noor Website: What is the purpose of publishing such news? Have not planners and political officials in their state media been infected with a kind of melancholy?  In the coming elections, their huge leap to stimulate and encourage people to participate in elections, Is not it a place of question that they are accusing dervishes of conspiracy or interference with the elections?

Nowadays, the main discussion is struggle between, Sayed Khorasani’s companions and supporters of Shoayb Ben Saleh, the two parties that are seeking possession of the parliament seats. What is the relation between oppressed dervishes and these superstitions and competitions over power!?

What is the aim of the sentence “the situation of dervishes in the system will be determined and the responsibility will be determined”? In recent years dervishes’ situation has dependant on the amount of opposition of the dominant and ruling parties to mysticism. The second part of the sentence that “the responsibility will be determined” shows whether the fate of the government should be determined hopefully or dervishes’?

Almighty God returns the hereafter of the nation of Iran to a good end and saves Gonabadi  Dervishes from ignorant group.

Written by Majzooban noor on Sunday  5 June 2011.