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Photos: Gohar Tepe Historical Site



Gohar Tepe historical site, with a 50 hectare area, is one of the most important historical sites of Mazandaran province which carries the secret of an ancient civilization. It is believed that Gohar Tepe once enjoyed a complicated urbanization with a history that goes back to some 5000 years ago. Based on stratigraphical studies done over the past few decades on the site, the existence of Gohar Tepe dates back to the middle Bronze Ate and continued to the Iron Age.

Gohar Tepe historical site is located in eastern parts of Mazandaran province between the cities of Neka and Behshahr, north of Iran. Evidence shows that from 7000 years ago to the first millenniums BC, a lot of people lived in the region, enjoying an urban life since 5000 years ago. The discovery of architectural structures and graves in this region are evidence of continual life during the later centuries there.
A quatrain attributed to Omar Khayyam:

I think the Vessel, that with fugitive
Articulation answer’d, once did live,
And drink: and Ah! the passive Lip I kiss’d,
How many Kisses might it take–and give!

translation: FitzGerald, stanza 36, 5th ed.
Photos by Mohsen Rezapour, Mehr News Agency
Source : Payvand Iran News




















