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Iran Sentences Former President’s Daughter To Jail




The daughter of influential former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been sentenced to jail and banned from political activities for “antistate propaganda” during protests against the 2009 disputed presidential election.


Rafsanjani sided with pro-reformers after the vote, which critics claim was rigged to reelect Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

Daughter Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani was arrested and briefly detained during a protest rally.

ISNA news agency said she went on trial last month on charges of “campaigning against the Islamic establishment.”

The agency quoted her lawyer, Gholam-Ali Riyahi, as saying on January 3 that she was sentenced to six months in jail and “banned from engaging in any cultural and political activities for five years.”

She has 20 days to appeal.

compiled from Reuters reports

Source : Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty