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Blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki Refuses To Be Sent To A Hospital



In protest to the authorities refusal of granting him a medical furlough, Blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, with dire health situation, has refused to be sent to a hospital out side of Evin prison.

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, with kidney condition and bleeding from kidneys is incarcerated in Ward 350 of Evin prison.

Despite an urgent need for Ronaghi Maleki to be properly treated in a specialized hospital outside of Evin prison, the Judicial authorities, the IRGC cyber unit, and some of the officials in the Intelligence Ministry’s units in the city of Tabriz and Malekan prevent medical furlough to be granted to him.

According to The Human Rights House of Iran, due to his dire health condition, Hossein Ronaghi was to be sent to a hospital on Saturday January 7, 2012, however, in protest of the denial of medical furlough, Ronaghi refused to be sent to a hospital.

Ronaghi indicated that being sent to a hospital for one or few days will not make any difference in his health situation, therefore he refuses to be sent to a hospital. Ronaghi is requesting to be granted a medical furlough.

Ronaghi’s continued bleeding from his kidneys has made his situation very worrisome. His family’s repeated requests for obtaining medical furlough have not been approved.

Since the beginning of this year (March 2011), this political prisoner has gone under four different operations, none of which were very successful due to his being returned to prison shortly after each operation.

Each time he was returned to prison, despite warnings from his physicians and the doctors from the medical examiners office that his health condition could become worse in prison.

This blogger and human rights activist has been incarcerated for more than two years without being granted a furlough.

Ronaghi was arrested on December 13, 2009 in the city of Malekan near Tabriz. He was immediately transferred to Ward 2-A in Evin prison.

He was kept in solitary confinement for 10 months under extreme physical and psychological pressure and torture for the purpose of obtaining false confession and forcing him to agree with giving a TV interview.

Ronaghi was tried and sentenced to 15 years in prison by Brach 26 of the Revolutionary Court. His sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeals in Tehran.

Despite his dire health and an extreme need for proper treatment, he is currently serving time in Ward 350 of Evin prison.

Source: HARANA