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Iran’s professor designs electronic lenses for blood sugar control


An Iranian professor Babak Amir Parviz from the University of Washington managed to design electronic contact lenses with glucose sensor, capable of monitoring blood sugar levels wirelessly.

The initiative carried out jointly with Microsoft Research would make great contribution to people with type I diabetes patients, who must keep a check on their blood sugar daily.

Amir Parviz said, “We have been able to put a glucose sensor on a contact lens which can detect glucose at levels that are found in the tear film. Our research team has managed to design small radios interacting with this glucose sensor and send out information wirelessly.”

This research uses an enzyme-based electrochemical process sensitive to glucose.

Microsoft hopes to hit the market with the technology as soon as possible which will be possible with tiny, flexible electronics, control circuits, communication circuits and glucose sensors inside the lenses.

Babak Amir Parviz has already developed a new generation of contact lenses which could monitor images before eyes. Its function was similar to computer and let users check their emails and use internet and play computer games through eyes.

He was known as one of 35 young inventors in 2007 by MIT University’s Technology Review Science Journal who has already managed to design contact lenses with different usages.


Source: ISNA